Are you trying to build your mortgage broker brand?
Branding is one of the most important aspects of sales, whether you’re a mum & dad shop or a major mortgage broker. Basically, you want your customer to know that they count, that you’re reliable and can do a good job. You want your customers to know what your brand has to offer compared to your competitors. Before your website, Facebook page, or any other aspects of your mortgage broker marketing strategies can take effect, you need to have a solid brand identity.
Your brand is your company’s image in the mind of customers. Most of the leads that come your way do so because of the brand you’ve built, both in person with your customers and through your digital outreach. There are some universal truths in how to make your branding successful, but there’s a couple more specific to mortgage brokers. So with this in mind, let’s have a look at three traits essential for any successful mortgage broker brand:
1. The customer comes first!
You’ve heard this before, and you’ll probably hear it again. Mortgage brokers work with people. No matter how good of a job you do, you need to make sure that you have a good relationship with these people. Keep customer satisfaction levels high, and you’re more likely to get referrals and return customers.
It’s as simple as that in principle. This is even more important for a mortgage broker, however. No matter how you’ll manage your broker marketing, your brand is personal. The client has to trust you. You become known for your skills, experience, and connections, for how you can help the client with their specific issue. Look for the best solution for your customer, rather than for the best commission. If you make it clear that your focus is the client rather than your own wallet, you’ll get more than enough business to make up for it.
2. Make sure your brand showcases your experience.
Experience has value. If you’ve dealt with a similar situation before, you’ll deal with it even better then next time. People know that, and that’s why they respect experience. Ample industry experience means better rates, better connections, and getting the loan you need right then. Even if you’re just starting out, try to showcase previous projects, customer interactions, and successes. Collect testimonials and ask for referrals. Get the word out there about what you’ve done for your previous customers, and you legitimise your brand and build trust. Here is where proper social media management can work wonders for you.
3. Show your market knowledge.
No matter what field you’re in, it continues to grow and change. Make sure that you are up to date in the mortgage broker field. After all, this is the kind of specialised knowledge that brings people to mortgage lenders to begin with. Most people don’t have the knowledge or financial leverage to find the best lenders and negotiate the best terms. Potential customers are after those lenders that can demonstrate their knowledge of the field.
One great way to do this is with blogging. You can write articles on the current state of the market and post them on your website and social media channels. This brings in more brand recognition and helps to establish your brand as an authority in the field.
If you’d like to know more about how you can strengthen your brand and generate more leads, feel free to contact us. At Reputation by Design, we specialise in marketing for mortgage brokers, and we know how to take your company to the top.